Deo I
- Pitanje: Da li se ikada događa da je duša, po rođenju deteta,promeni mišljenje o toj inkarnaciji, pa zbog toga beba umre?
- Pitanje: Ako je neka duša već ušla u neko telo, a potom odlučila da ga napusti, da li neka druga duša može da zauzme njeno mesto?
- Pitanje: Da li je neki Učitelj nekada nekome promenio pol?
- Pitanje: Da li bi duhovni Učitelj mogao da potpuno ukloni um neke određene osobe i da na to mesto postavi novi um, ako se radi o odrasloj osobi?
- Pitanje: Ako dve duše imaju neku vezu, da li se često inkarniraju zajedno?
- Pitanje: Kada kažeš da dvoje ljudi imaju duše blizance, znači li to da su oni bili blizanci u prethodnoj inkarnaciji?
- Pitanje: Šta su grupe duša?
- Pitanje: Ponekad, kad treba da se rodi neka velika duša, Zemlja je svesna njenog dolaska i postoji neki poseban znak, kao što je zvezda. Da li duša želi tako nešto?
- Pitanje: Kada duša uzme neku inkarnaciju, da li su astrološke sile takođe izabrane, ili duša manje ili više ostaje zatečena u astrološkim uslovima koji preovlađuju u vreme njenog silaska?
- Pitanje: Dakle, duša ne deluje kako planete odrede?
- Pitanje: Kada svojim učenicima daješ ime njihove duše, da li je ono povezano sa obećanjem koje je ona dala u svetu duša?
- Pitanje: Kada se duša inkarnira u novom telu, da li je ona i dalje u stanju da komunicira sa članovima svoje prethodne porodice?
- Pitanje: Šta je važnije da duša izabere: porodicu ili mesto?
- Pitanje: Šta određuje tačan trenutak kada će duša napustiti telo?
- Pitanje: To je u slučaju nekog ko postepeno umire. Ali, šta se događa u slučaju avionske nesreće ili nečeg drugog čime je obuhvaćeno mnogo ljudi?
- Question: When a soul is born in a particular body, does it always stay in that body until the body dies, or does a more advanced soul sometimes take over the body for a particular mission?
- Pitanje: Ako neka osoba dobije novo srce, um ili vital, da li je ona toga svesna?
- Pitanje: Neki učenici imaju neverovatno jedinstvo jedni sa drugima. Da li su njihove duše bile povezane od rođenja ili je to nešto što se razvijalo?
- Pitanje: Kako ti pomažeš duši?
- Pitanje: Ako smo u toku noći u dobroj svesti, možemo li da osetimo kada dolaziš da pomogneš našoj duši?
- Pitanje: Da li bi trebalo slaviti godišnjicu odlaska duše sa zemaljskog nivoa isto kao i rođendan?
- Pitanje Da li duša obično uzima isti um kada se reinkarnira?
- Pitanje: U kom procentu slučajeva će duša uzeti isti um?
- Pitanje: Kada neka druga duša uzme određeni um, da li on nosi karmu iz svog prethodnog života?
- Pitanje: Zar vital nije destruktivan koliko i um?
- Pitanje: Kako um može da se razvije?
- Pitanje: Iz kog dela bića većina ljudi dobija osećaj poistovećenja?
- Pitanje: Kada napustimo telo, postoji li osećaj kontinuiteta?
- Pitanje: Zašto ljudi čije su duše povezane liče?
- Pitanje: Zašto spoljašnje okolnosti utiču na dušu?
Deo II
- Pitanje: Kada porota odlučuje o presudi, da li njeni članovi stiču karmu ako osude nekog ko je nevin, i obratno?
- Pitanje: Ja nikada svesno ne meditiram na svoju dušu. Meditiram jedino na Svevišnjeg. Da li je to pogrešno?
- Pitanje: Kada mi je umro prvi muž, osetila sam da je njegova duša došla u mene.
- Pitanje: Kada je on umro, osetila sam da sam i ja napola mrtva.
- Question: How do we actually know that we are getting close to realisation?
- Question: Does the Supreme have the same capacity of infinite Justice as He has of infinite Compassion?
- Question: Is God's Compassion for man diminishing over time?
Part III
- Question: It seems as though man today is only explaining things. When is that going to stop?
- Question: How do we get beyond the mind?
- Question: How can we experience the sweetness and purity of Mother Nature when we live in a place like New York?
- Question: Why is humanity polluting and destroying Mother Nature?
Part IV
- Mrs. Strong: The degradation of the earth is so far advanced right now that the great mystics, shamans and spiritual people are saying that we have already crossed the line of no return regarding the oceans, the soil and the forests. What is your opinion?
- Question: In the movie Apollo 13, people were getting involved with all these machines and moving away from nature. Is it good for people to be so involved with machines? Is it good for people to go into space and do things that are unnatural? Is this useful for them?
Part V
- Question: Is the spiritual life easier or less strict today than it was in ancient days?
- Question: Spiritually, is the world going forward or backwards?
- Question: What do you mean when you speak about our highest meditation?
- Question: Can we lose our God-realisation when we try to reveal or manifest it?
- Question: How should we deal with our defects?
- Question: What is poetry?
- Question: What is the relationship between eagerness and perseverance?
- Question: How can I not criticise others and what can I do when others criticise me? Sometimes I get very mad.
- Question: Sometimes the world lowers my consciousness.
- Question: You said that the process of successfully realising God is ninety-five per cent God's Grace and five per cent personal effort. But when we realise God, you said we realise that even our five per cent was God's Grace. That being the case, how can a seeker be responsible for his success or failure?
- Question: How important is common sense?
Part VI
- Question: You often tell us the story of when Lord Krishna asked Arjuna the colour of some fruit on a nearby tree. Each time Arjuna said it was one colour, Krishna said it was a different colour, and immediately Arjuna changed his opinion to agree with Krishna. When we are dealing with you, how can we know when we should agree with you and when we should offer our own personal opinion?
- Question: During the Battle of Kurukshetra, Krishna got down from the chariot to fight even though he had taken a vow not to fight at all. I was wondering what this tells us about Krishna's personality?
- Question: Did any of the Kauravas consciously take the side of the Pandavas?
- Question: If someone is connected with a particular god or goddess, does that god or goddess show special concern for that person?
- Question: Why do the gods or goddesses stand in somebody's way?
- Question: Do cosmic gods and goddesses have the capacity to make spiritual progress?
- Question: Are the cosmic gods still cursing each other and fighting with one another as they did in the Puranas?
- Question: In one of your poems you say that God will do everything for us if our every breath embodies soulful gratitude. This kind of gratitude seems far beyond our reach. How can we have it?
- Question: How can we be sweeter?