Deo I
- Pitanje: Da li neposlušnost dolazi od našeg nedostatka jedinstva sa Svevišnjim u tebi?
- Pitanje: Guru, da li je greška ako ti ne saopštimo na spoljašnjem planu da smo mi ili neki drugi učenici neposlušni?
- Pitanje: Kako možemo da osetimo da je naša poslušnost spontana i radosna a ne prisilna?
- Pitanje: Šta se dešava u unutrašnjem svetu, a takođe i u spoljašnjem svetu kada nismo poslušni Svevišnjem u tebi?
- Pitanje: Ponekad kad od mene zatražiš da nešto uradim, ja uradim ali sigurno bih mogao da imam nešto više entuzijazma. Kako mogu da razvijem poslušnost sa entuzijazmom?
- Pitanje: Da li poslušnost uvek počinje u umu?
- Pitanje: Imam lošu naviku da u svemu kasnim. Osećam da imam sposobnost da budem tačan,ali joj nekako ne pridajem dovoljno pažnje. Kako sebe da navedem da osetim da je važno biti tačan?
Deo II
Part III
- Mrs. Darshanika Guruge: I brought with me a textbook my husband has used to teach Hinduism, and I have some questions regarding that.
- Mrs. Guruge: My question is about karma. How does it fit in with advaita Vedantism? They don't believe in karma.
- Mrs. Irina Malikova: Mine is not a question. I just wanted to thank you for everything you have done. I had a very nice experience with my surgery. Normally I should have been afraid, because it was major surgery, but to my own and everybody's surprise, I was so sure about everything that I did not feel nervous. The doctors said they had never seen a patient with so little anxiety about his health. It was not a question of my victory. It is just that I physically felt your presence in the surgery room, and that helped me a lot.
Part IV
Part V
- Question: When chosen instruments fail, does the choice withdraw and go to others?
- Question: In the inner world, does everybody know who you are?
- Question: What does delight look like?
- Question: Will a disciple's love ever equal the Master's love for the disciple?
- Question: What is the best way to bring new life into each new day?
- Question: Should we expect to be attacked by weaknesses we pray to overcome?
- Question: Where does your sweeter than the sweetest sweetness come from?
- Question: Will America recognise and fulfil you while you are here on earth?
- Question: What do your multi-day races contribute to the world?
- Question: How can I quickly regain my inner and outer strength after a multi-day race?
- Question: How can one be a superior yet still maintain a child's heart?
- Question: How can we maintain our gratitude even when we are tired?
- Question: What pleases you most: when we invoke you or enter into you, or both?
- Question: Do good intentions count in God's Eyes, even if not carried out?
- Question: Do you ever get bored?
- Question: What is the best way to deal with different people daily?
- Question: Would you please explain the divine game of praying?
- Question: How can I become yours eternally?
Part VI
- Interviewer: Sri Chinmoy, the runners who are your students talked a lot about meditation, your philosophy and how that helps their running. What do you tell them to help them find the strength they need to go on day after day and run 16 hours a day?
- Interviewer: I am curious about what happens on the day-to-day level.
- Interviewer: The one time I did my longest race, ten miles, I remember it was a little bit of an emotional roller coaster. After perhaps three miles I thought, "This is great! I can run 26 miles. I can do a marathon." And then after six miles I thought, "Oh my gosh, my knees are going to ache; my feet hurt. I'm totally exhausted!" I just went up and down. What would you tell your disciples to help them deal with the low part?
- Interviewer: What makes sports and athleticism such an important part of spirituality for you?
Part VII
- Question: Guru, have all the people who used to meditate for hours and hours in previous lives reincarnated?
- Question: Are those beings on Mars consciously aspiring?
- Question: What kind of beings are these? Are they all on the inner plane? Do they have physical bodies?
- Question: They can just travel to the earth?
- Question: You have said that earth is the place where souls can make progress. So how is their prayer aiding these beings on other planets?
- Question: What do these beings do? Do they have a lifespan? We have a physical lifespan. Are they immortal? Do they live forever?
- Question: Were these beings disturbed when the spacecraft landed?
- Question: Will that happen in the future? Will man go there eventually?
- Question: So people will not physically live there?
- Question: It takes a very long time, a lot of effort and a lot of money to go on mountain-climbing trips. Is it really worth all the time, effort and money, or would it be better to do something else with our resources?
- Question: I don't think that money is really the problem. It's just that sometimes I feel miserable when there are other projects that I cannot participate in. Because I'm concentrating on climbing, I don't do some other things.