- Pitanje: Da li možeš, molim te, da nam objasniš razliku između nade i očekivanja?
- Pitanje: U prevodu tvoje pesme Bhulite Diyona, od Svevišnjeg se traži da nam ne dozvoli da Ga zaboravimo ni u životu ni u smrti. Da li je moguće da se zaboravi na Svevišnjeg u svetu duša?
- Pitanje: Da li zahvalnost može da izleči sve?
- Pitanje: Kakva je razlika između mašte i vizije?
- Pitanje: Kao tvoji učenici, da li naša težnja ili nedostatak težnje utiču na široku javnost ili ljude koje nikada nećemo upoznati?
- Pitanje: Tvoja pesma Bhulite diyona pominje četiri aspekta Svevišnjeg: Njegova Stopala, Njegove Oči, Njegovu Poruku i Njegov San. Šta treba da zamišljamo ili vizualizujemo kad pevamo svaku od tih reči i šta od njih primamo?
- Pitanje: Hoće li nam naša iskrenost uvek reći da li udovoljavamo Bogu na Božji sopstveni Način?
- Question: When you see non-seekers, do you see them as being the same as you, as if a part of you is in them, but has been covered with ignorance or darkness?
- Question: How can we best develop the capacity to be able to feel your presence inside our heart as if we are in your physical presence?
- Question: Does it actually help the earth-atmosphere when we sing your songs or when you play and sing your music in concerts?
- Question: When we disobey you, how can we get rid of the guilt?
- Question: How can we maintain the light feeling of soulfulness we get while singing spiritual songs after we have stopped singing?
- Question: How can we love the path that we are taking to the Supreme at every moment and maintain a deep respect and gratitude for it?
- Question: How can we willingly throw off our desires?
- Question: How can we detach ourselves from emotions and still have feelings?
- Question: Is it good to be detached from people, or is it okay to be attached to them?
- Question: How can I increase my self-discipline and will-power?
- Question: How can I have compassion?
- Question: To become unconditionally surrendered, should we sleeplessly cry, or should we become sleepless gratitude?
- Question: What is the best way to become cheerful and dynamic?
- Question: How can I develop more patience?
- Editor's note