Question: To become unconditionally surrendered, should we sleeplessly cry, or should we become sleepless gratitude?
Sri Chinmoy: To become unconditionally surrendered, you should both sleeplessly cry to the Supreme and also sleeplessly offer gratitude to the Supreme. You need to use two hands if you want to do something quickly and well. You need two legs to run fast, very fast, to your destination. You need two eyes if you want to see something very clearly. Similarly, you need to do both things if you want to become unconditionally surrendered. You need to sleeplessly cry, and also you need to sleeplessly offer gratitude — not from the mind or vital but from the heart. If you can sleeplessly cry to the Supreme and sleeplessly offer gratitude to the Supreme, then easily you can become unconditionally surrendered, and the hostile forces will not be able to attack you.
Sri Chinmoy, Melodija mog srca, Agni Press, 1994