Deo I — Predavanja
- Filozofija, religija i joga
- Ponudio sam, primio sam
- The Master's smile
- Imitating older disciples
- Group meditation
Part II — Question and answers
- Question: What should be our attitude towards others in group meditations?
- Question: When we meditate at home, what percentage of the time should we spend looking at your transcendental picture? Sometimes my eyes hurt from the light, so I just close them.
- Question: Why should the eyes be only half open?
- Question: Are you happy when we meditate well?
- Question: Did we meditate to our capacity during the function?
- Question: I'm going back to Venezuela soon. How can a disciple feel from a distance the same force or magnetism that he feels when he is meditating with you?
- Question: Can we chant 'Aum' inwardly without saying it out loud?
- Question: Sometimes when I am meditating, I experience the demanding vital.
- Question: You've said several times that coffee and tea are bad for the spiritual life. But if we're driving late at night and feel drowsy, what should we do?
- Question: What is the difference between dynamism and aggression?
- Question: What is the relationship between humility and surrender?
- Question: I have sometimes awakened in the morning feeling a very high state of elation and tremendous unity, although nothing has taken place in my conscious mind. I was wondering if there is work that takes place on the spiritual plane at night that we are not aware of.
- Question: How can we continually aspire for spiritual purity?
- Question: It seems that God loves you more than He loves Himself.
- Question: Guru, do you like it when we appreciate you?
- Question: What is consciousness?
- Question: What is perfect perfection?
Part III — Interview[^23-41]
- Examiner: Do you have any disciples in India?
- Examiner: A few weeks ago I interviewed Baba Ram Das, and he contended that the spiritual teachers Americans get come here for a different reason than the spiritual teachers the Indians get. In this country we get the people who are still attached to power or wealth or the idea of doing a lot of good for a lot of people, which is still an attachment, he claimed. What is your comment on that?
- Examiner: How did you get involved with the United Nations?
- Examiner: I understand you recently met with Mrs. Lillian Carter. What was the reason for your visit?
- Examiner: I understand that you don't accept everyone who wants to be your disciple. But you do want to get the word out to those who might want to be. Is that it?
- Examiner: Are you familiar with some of the more popular spiritual paths from the East that people are following in this country?
- Examiner: Do you think there are a lot of people who will claim to be Masters, but who aren't?
- Examiner: How is someone to know who's good and who isn't?
- Examiner: I've often heard lineage mentioned as an important characteristic for a teacher — that a teacher has to have had a teacher.
- Examiner: How do you find time to accomplish so much in the way of artistic creation — all the paintings, all the writings, all the compositions?
- Examiner: How many hours sleep do you get each night?
- Examiner: What about food?
- Examiner: Do you do any kind of physical practice of Hatha Yoga, or is that not part of your path?
- Examiner: Your background is athletic too, as I recall?
- Examiner: So you've always had this interest in athletics?
- Examiner: Is it possible to be artistically creative without being spiritual?
- Examiner: On your path, do you expect that after a certain amount of time the disciple will achieve enlightenment? I think traditionally a disciple is taught for twelve years, and then he graduates or something.
- Examiner: Do you expect that you will be able to produce enlightened disciples?
- Examiner: Is there anything you'd like to tell me that we haven't gone into?