Act III, scene 1

(James Madison goes to the graveyard and reads aloud the message on the stone over Thomas Jefferson’s grave.)

JAMES MADISON: “Here lies Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, of the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom, and Father of the University of Virginia.” (Shedding tears of joy, pride and gratitude.) Oh, tall and great you were. Tall, very tall. I am short, very short. As a tall tree in both the inner world and the outer world, do accept the soulful homage of a tiny helpless plant.

THOMAS JEFFERSON (appearing in spirit): James, who says that you are helpless? Who says that you are a tiny plant? Don’t underestimate yourself. Nobody should blame you for the deplorable experience that the British have given our country by capturing Washington and setting fire to the White House. It was an absolutely unwarranted war. To me it is quite clear that England is doomed to swim always in the sea of ignorance. Just ask the eyeless British why they have to lord it over others. Have they nothing else to do? Anyway, let us forget that sad disaster as soon as possible. On my part, I am praying to the Almighty to grant the ignorant British some wisdom-light.

JAMES MADISON: Jefferson, you are divinely great, supremely magnanimous.

THOMAS JEFFERSON: James, I am really proud of you for forming our national government. Now our states will not indulge in fruitless quarrels. You were so right when you said, after the Revolutionary War, that if we are to survive and excel, then there can be no other way than to form a national government. I am proud to call you the Father of the Constitution. I am extremely grateful to you for introducing the Bill of Rights. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, the right to have a trial by jury if you are accused of a crime and the right to meet and complain about an unfair law — these are the things that a free country needs. James, once more I tell you, I am proud of you beyond your imagination.

JAMES MADISON: May I always be worthy of your pride in me! May I be worthy of your unconditional encouragement. I admired you most while you were in the body, and now that you are in the spirit I worship and adore you.

Sri Chinmoy, Sveta vatra, Agni Press, 1975