Act II, scene 4

(John Adams is conversing inwardly with the Absolute.)

JOHN ADAMS: O Almighty Being, I feel from within that in a few hours’ time my earth-pilgrimage will come to an end. Before I breathe my last, do bless me with the necessary capacity to offer You my constant gratitude-heart. I am grateful to You for having brought me into a religious family. I am grateful to You for having kept me active from birth to death, physically, vitally, mentally, psychically — in every possible way. I am grateful to you for having granted me the unparalleled opportunity to be one of the pioneer freedom-fighters. I am grateful to You for giving me the divine inspiration to urge the country to make George Washington Commander-in-Chief in our just battle for freedom-light. I am grateful to You for having given me the capacity to defend Captain Preston. Nobody was bold or kind enough to defend his case. But every man is entitled to a fair and just trial. I told my countrymen that the British officer only did his duty. As we were fighting for our country, he was under obligation to defend his country. I am grateful to You for the golden opportunity You gave me to serve You as head of the country. I am grateful to You for allowing my son, like me, to be head of the country. Finally, I am extremely grateful to You that I was able to listen to Your wishes. You did not want our country to be involved in a war against France when France attacked a few of our ships. You wanted to maintain peace as long as possible. I became my country’s enemy. My countrymen called me a traitor. But I heard You inside my heart calling me a lover of peace and wisdom. Almighty Being, You gave me all this capacity; therefore, I am sincerely grateful to You.

ABSOLUTE: John, My son, I am well pleased with you and your life’s multifarious activities. You know, My son, today is the fourth of July.

JOHN ADAMS (his face immediately brightening): The most significant day in our country’s life. The fourth of July, the fourth of July! My soul shall fly, my soul shall fly!

ABSOLUTE: John, My boundless Pride is carrying you to Heaven for a rest which you so richly deserve. Your great friend and great rival Thomas Jefferson also will arrive in Heaven in a few hours’ time. I shall carry his soul, too. I have chosen this day for you, My son, and for My other son, for both of you unquestionably deserve the beauty and glory of this day.

JOHN ADAMS: Lord, Lord, it was Jefferson who wrote in the Declaration of Independence, “All men are created equal.” I have always carried this peerless message of his in my heart.

ABSOLUTE: Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, but behind it was your constant, divine encouraging insistence. My Vision-Light was illumining not only your country but also the whole world through the Declaration of Independence. Both of you have proved to be My real divine instruments. John, I am so glad that you gave real importance to the fourth of July. You urged the nation to celebrate the fourth of July with amusing games, enchanting balls and inspiring bonfires. John, many people misunderstood you in many things. They even went to the length of calling you a stubborn mule. But I have always called you a truth-fighter with a volcano-will.

JOHN ADAMS: O Supreme Being, I implore Your last Blessing before You take me to the other shore.

ABSOLUTE: Before I bless you and take you to My other Home, I shall sing a song for you.

(The Absolute sings.)

O green-blue Sacred Fire,
O sun Freedom-Light,
O Heaven’s Goal Delight, America,
O my child of speed,
My supreme Promise-Seed.

JOHN ADAMS (overwhelmed with joy): Lord, Your Blessing is Your Name. My gratitude is my name.

Sri Chinmoy, Sveta vatra, Agni Press, 1975