Part I
Part II
- Question: Could you please tell us a little about your philosophy and your way of life?
- Question: Most people in this area of South Africa suffer a lot because of daily violence. I am interested to hear your views on the causes of violence and any message that you might have as to what we can do about it.
- Question: Are your Peace Concerts political in any way?
- Question: As a Hindu, I believe that the ultimate Truth is God-realisation. How do we reach our goal?
- Question: Do you work also in a political way to bring about peace?
- Question: Do you feel that people in the world are moving further away from leading a spiritual life, or do you feel that there is a gradual awakening towards spirituality?
- Question: What inspired you to follow this path of peace?
- Question: You mentioned the struggle between the heart and the mind. In an area such as KwaZulu Natal, where so many people have been killed and where people's hearts have actually been hardened or broken, is it much more difficult for them to follow the right path than for others who are leading a more peaceful or ordinary life?
- Question: I have found that music can change people, although I am not speaking about political change. I would like to hear your views on music.
Part III
- Question: Do messages that people receive from their departed ones have any value for us here on earth? And can you share with the general public any such messages that you may have received?
- Question: What does a spiritual teacher or learned person such as yourself say to a Western-trained scientist who dismisses the idea of receiving messages from the dead as imaginary or hallucination?
Part IV
- Question: When you play different instruments, are you expressing different qualities?
- Question: Do you feel this when you play?
- Question: As a pianist, sometimes I am so caught up with technique that I lose the soul or forget what I am trying to say.
- Question: All of us before going on stage are so nervous, but we don't show it.
- Question: I have trouble organising my life. It takes so much time to pay bills and do the everyday things in life that there is not enough time for music. There is so much junk in my life; it is just like my mind. I would like to have a much more simple life, but to live in this world I need to do so many things.
- Question: How do you have the same amount of inspiration every day?
- Question: Some days I feel so down and other times I am up high.
- Question: Is giving as important as achieving?
- Question: So sharing gives joy to everybody, and I am the one who has to start activating this?
- Question: So many people in this country do not care for music or poetry or dance anymore. They do not see value in it. Do you think it will change?
- Question: That is how we have to deal with our own mind, too!
Part V
- Question: Guru, did you have many high experiences before God-realisation?
- Question: Are inner experiences a prerequisite to God-realisation or are they not at all necessary?
- Question: One of the disciples told me that the longer she practised spirituality, the worse her bad qualities got. How is this possible?
- Question: Can the mind help us discover God's Will?
- Question: Most spiritual Masters have said that without renunciation one cannot get realisation, but your philosophy is that we have to accept and transform life.
- Question: How can we overcome insecurity?
Part VI
- Question: What is the future of religion?
- Question: Why have you travelled to so many countries and appreciated so many countries and individuals?
- Question: How do you want the purity and essence of your path maintained in the future?
- Question: You say that yours is a path, not a religion. But after the Master leaves, it becomes a religion — like Buddhism, for example — and it stands against other religions.
- Question: Should your disciples only try to see and meditate on the Supreme inside you?
Part VII
- Question: Did you have any inner experience when you arrived in Myanmar?
- Question: Do you feel the Buddha's consciousness in Burma?