Dvadest sedam hiljada izdanaka težnje, deo 9
Srce čoveka tragaZa krilima lepote
Da bi poput ptice moglo da leti
Prostranim nebeskim visinama.
Ako proučavate svetVašeg srca,
Bog će vas blagosloviti
Svitanjem Njegovog Života.
Ako želite da budeteSavršeni Božiji instrument,
Nikada ne precenjujte mudrost svog uma
I nikada ne podcenjujte
Poslušnost svog srca.
Pošto ste potpuno izgubljeniU džungli nečistote,
Negujete smelost
Koja negira postojanje Božije
Bezuslovne Samilosti
U ovom svetu.
Kada čovek predstavlja svoje sopstveno otkrovenjeA ne Božije,
Šta jadni Bog može da učini?
On se jednostavno povlači
Unutar Njegovih tajnih i svetih Granica.
Čistota je duševna lepotaKoja je odavno izgubljena i zaboravljena
U džungli zbunjenosti uma.
DuhoviMog života neuspeha u prošlosti
Još uvek muče
Sićušnu, nežnu biljku moga srca.
Ja ne želim da čujem rečiSa tvojih usana žednih Boga.
Ja želim da osetim
Tvoje srce gladno Boga.
Oblaci odvojenostiIzmeđu vas i Boga
Uskoro će nestati
Ako pažljivo provodite
Vaše budne sate.
Ne molite se BoguDa vas odnese sa ovoga sveta.
Molite se Bogu
Da promeni vašu prirodu ovde na Zemlji.
Ono što vam je potrebno je preobražaj
A ne bekstvo.
Najveća tragedija je moj sopstveni život.Iako sam Božiji odabrani sin,
Ja namerno ne slušam
Božiji Glas.
Zbog vašeg uma iskrenostiSrca čistote i duše blistavosti,
Nosi vas
Struja Samilosti
Božije Reke Srca.
Oh svete,Moram ovo da ti kažem:
Moje srce neće nikada
Ostati bez težnje,
Moj um neće nikada
Ostati bez inspiracije
A moj život nikada neće
Ostati bez posvećenosti.
Njegov plač ukrao je moje srce.Njegov osmeh ukrao je moju dušu.
Njegova ljubav ukrala mi je život.
Njegovo jedinstvo sa Bogom
Ukralo je moje sve.
Nada me nikad ne obmanjuje.Nada je božanski instrument
Koji teži da dostigne i otkrije
Lepotu Božije manifestacije.
Želim da budem jedan od retkih,Veoma retkih
Koji mogu iskreno da osećaju
Da je Bog odgovoran
Za moj uspeh
I da sam ja odgovoran za Njegov.
Vaše je božanski stvorenoCvetanje težnje,
Prožeto mirisom
Božanske iskrenosti.
Vera ne zna za napetost,Jer ona zna da je Bog
Uvek sa njom
I uvek za nju.
Tokom mog jutrašnjeg razgovora sa BogomRekao mi je da ne postoji kriza
Ni u jednom ljudskom životu
Koja se ne može rešiti
Božanski osunčanim osmehom.
Na putu kućiSa Zemlje na Nebo,
On je sa sobom poneo
Zemljino more nade
Da se igra sa ispunjujućim suncem Neba.
Kada je moja duša na Nebu,Ona šapuće molitvu
Za samilost.
Kada je moja duša na zemlji,
Ona šapuće molitvu
Za mir.
Kada je moja duša sa Bogom,
Ona šapuće molitvu
Za zadovoljenje Boga.
Osećamo takvu čistotuKada pogledam u Mesec.
Osećam takvu moć
Kada pogledam u Sunce.
Ali, na žalost osećam takvu nesigurnost
Kada pogledam sebe.
Tvoj je svetU kom je Bog uvek odsutan,
Znaš li zašto?
Zato što uvek voliš da lutaš
U pustoši svog uma.
Bog će te sigurno spasitiOd hitne situacije - tvoje anksioznosti
Ako ne potrošiš
Dah poslušnost tvog srca .
U srcu svake borbeUvek postoji
Pobednička kruna velika kao Sunce.
Čistot tuge prolazni je glasMog života.
Božanska radost večni je glas
Moje duše.
My Lord Supreme,Do widen the narrow rivulet
Of my life
So that I can forever surely flow
Into Your Heart’s Ecstasy-Ocean.
If your rebellious mind is unwillingTo admit defeat,
Your heart is doomed to carry
The stupidity-freedom of your life.
God’s ultimate MiracleShall secretly blossom:
You will become the perfection-beauty
Of your own soul’s
Stupendous God-discovery.
Responsibility cannot weigh you downIf you take responsibility
As a God-approved opportunity.
It can only lift you and your life
To the higher worlds.
His is the magic smileThat every day eclipses
My heart’s excruciating pangs.
Since Buddha did not comeFor the East alone
And Christ did not come
For the West alone,
You should know
That you have not come
For yourself alone.
You are always allowedTo come near God
And play with Him,
Not because you live
In a great reality-world
But because you constantly cherish
God’s Compassion-Sun is not invisible;My heart is just blind.
God’s Forgiveness-Sky is not invisible;
My mind is just blind.
God’s Assurance-Ocean is not invisible;
My eyes are just blind.
The animal in me says,“Why is there a God
When I do not need Him?”
The human in me says,
“Where is God
When I do need Him?”
The divine in me says,
“Whether I need God or not,
He eternally is.”
Alas, you have placed your happiness-lifeNot only in the hands of others
But also at their giant feet.
If you do not have surrender-tears,Then try to create them.
If you do have surrender-tears,
Then soulfully treasure them
And try to increase them.
There should not be any weaknessIn your thought-life
Or any carelessness
In your heart-life
If you care for
The transcendental Smile of God.
If you fear to aspire,Do you not realise
That you and your life
Will very soon
Expire with fear?
The difference between involvementAnd commitment is this:
If you are involved,
You are a problem-maker.
If you are committed,
You are a problem-shooter.
O my soul,Did you ask God
When my suspicion-mind
Will be unquestionably defeated
By my aspiration-heart?
O my soul,
I hope you have not forgotten
This time also.
The dust of the pastHas soiled his heart.
Therefore, he cannot win admission
To God’s pure Heart-Home.
To have your desiresFulfilled for the asking
Is to be forced to dance
With your life’s inner failures.
Instead of creating self-styled fantasiesTo decorate your life,
Why do you not become a translator
Of God’s Vision-fulfilling Silence-Message?
When I walk,I walk prayerfully
So that I can have
A soulful heart,
A powerful life
And a fruitful vision of God.
My heart’s dawn has come,My heart’s dawn has come.
Inside my heart
I see only one thing:
The happiness of a God-intoxicated
O my body-dungeon,Even you can be full of God.
Just do not mix with the mind.
Do not even listen to the mind,
For it is drunk
With egotism-night.
Since your heart was awakened,You have been praying and meditating
To see divine light,
And this light itself wants you to see
That there is another world
Where truth, peace and bliss abide.
O my soul,Each time you come down
Into the world-arena,
You bring with you the promise
To offer light to the world at large
And to manifest God in God’s own Way.
Inwardly and outwardlyYour Beloved Supreme
Is pleading with you
To listen to all His Requests
Cheerfully and soulfully.
If you do not make progressIn God’s own Way,
Then what you call progress
Will be only the aggrandisement
Of your ego.
If you make progress
In God’s own Way,
Then you are bound to feel
God’s Love, Peace and
Inundating your life.
The thunder of soundIs God’s ambassador to earth.
The beauty of silence
Is God’s ambassador to Heaven.
My Lord Supreme,Why do I feel insecure?
“My child,
You feel insecure
Because you are afraid of vastness.
Try to claim the vastness
Of the ocean and the sky
As your own, very own.
Then you will never be insecure.”
My Lord Supreme,How can I maintain my inner strength?
“My child,
You can maintain your inner strength
Only by having peace of mind.”
My Lord Supreme,
How can I have peace of mind?
“My child,
To have peace of mind
What you need
Is purity in the body, the vital
And the mind itself.”
His prayerful mind and soulful heartHave made his life
A shadowless illumination-sun.
The East is for realisation.The West is for manifestation.
The East cares mainly
For height.
The West cares mainly
For length and breadth.
Your mind does not wantGod’s loving Heart.
God’s Heart does not want
Your doubting mind.
Unless and until you change your mind,
God is not going to change His Heart.
God has revealed His infinite LightThrough your glowing eyes.
Can you not reveal your soulful delight
Through God’s ever-fulfilling
And ever-transcending Heart?
Every day God and IExchange our dreams.
I share with Him
My mind’s frustration-dreams;
He shares with me
His Heart’s Satisfaction-Dreams.
Because your heart has becomeA God-pleasing prayer,
Your life has now become
God’s secret and sacred powerhouse.
If you live in the dark caveOf blind individuality,
How can you expect God
To grant you an interview?
Indeed, he is a chosen instrument of God,For his heart is aspiration-intensity,
His life is dedication-luminosity
And his breath is perfection-divinity.
Your desire-life will never desert youOf its own accord.
It is your aspiration-life
That has to discipline, illumine
And liberate your desire-life
From its sleepless ignorance-hunger.
Futile fears and doubts can neverImpose themselves upon him,
For he lives in his heart-life,
And his heart-life is always
Flooded with God-Light.
Every time he sails the boatOf confidence-light
He is befriended
By God’s Satisfaction-Delight.
An unexpected Compassion-TouchFrom Above
Can transform the absurd inventions
Of the intellect
Into God’s all-satisfying
Your mind foolishly triesTo fathom God.
Your heart soulfully waits
For God’s Compassion-Light
And Forgiveness-Height
To measure your life.
Your mind-conquestIs yesterday’s forgotten resolution.
Therefore, how can you conquer
Today’s desire-hunger?
God does not need your mind’sPartial insecurity-surrender.
God needs only your heart’s
Inseparable oneness-hunger-delight.
My aspiration-days and devotion-nightsHave successfully and permanently removed
My life’s ego-mask.
Your soul has been hidingFor centuries.
But rest assured,
It will not remain hidden forever.
Someday, somewhere, somehow
It will reveal
Its God-manifesting perfection-delight.
You do not want to removeYour ego-mask,
Yet you wonder why yours has become
An upside-down life-view.
Your heart-compass does notAlways point to God.
How then do you expect
Your life-star to ever rise
In Eternity’s Infinity-Sky?
Your mind-land neither loves youNor needs you.
Alas, even so, you are not willing
To go back to God’s Heart-Land.
Alas, right nowYou are your own vital-fury.
Do you not realise that before long
You and nobody else
Will become your own heart-injury?
I am glad that you likeYour heart-beauty’s friend:
I am glad that you like
Your life-warning friend:
You have abandonedYour heart-shrine,
Yet still you are looking for
The presiding deity of your life.
Jump over your limitation-hurdlesAnd become a bold bondage-breaker!
Then your life will not remain
A drooping question mark.
Love makes all human beings equal.Oneness makes all human beings perfect.
Satisfaction makes all human beings
Exactly the same as God.
Since God isHis own Patience-Light,
Can you not become
Your own obedience-delight?
Your aspiration-crisis has alarmedNot only Heaven’s mounting heights
But also earth’s crying lengths.
His is an unusual interpretationOf spiritual awakening.
He thinks that first man shakes God,
And then God wakes man.
You will be caughtIn time’s clutches
If your dedication-life
Does not grow into a surrender-heart
To please God in His own Way.
My best speciality is this:I never allow my life
To be caught
In my mind’s confusion-net.
If you go on placatingYour screaming vital,
How will you ever see
Your life’s sunrise?
Will you not always remain
In your death’s moonless night?
If your love is in transitTo devotion
And your devotion is in transit
To surrender,
God will cheerfully and proudly
Tell you His Code-Name
So you can invoke Him
At any time you want.
O stupid world,Why should my soul be responsible
For piercing your thick bravado-shell?
My soul is accountable
Only to God the Justice-Light.
Every day you are trying so hardTo discover your guardian angel.
I tell you,
Your aspiration-dedication-faith-flames
Can easily do the work
Of your guardian angel.
An insecurity-heartHears a loud shout
In every feeble whisper.
Until a better dream begins,His heart will be longing
For only one thing:
God’s Compassion-Smile.
Darkness will arriveWithout any warning
If love is not found daily
In your life’s dictionary.
Truth can live only with right.Falsehood can live only with wrong.
Ask your mind and heart
To make their choice.
His unquenched thirstFor greatness-height
Has fallen under
The inescapable thumb of death.
The past tense of hopeIs promise.
The future tense of hope
Is dedication.
Because of your complacent mind,You are now lost
In a lifeless desert
With an endless inheritance
Of sorrow.
Do you think that GodDoes not want to retire?
He does want to retire!
He has time and again asked
The cosmic gods
To arrange His retirement party,
And each time the cosmic gods
Are obliged to refuse.
But the more God asks them
For this special favour,
The stronger become their hearts’
For not having transformed
Humanity’s life.
Unless you give upThe shameless tricks
Of your mounting pride,
Death will hasten
Its impending visit to you.
When you soulfully become,What do you become?
You become God’s partner.
When you unreservedly give,
To whom do you give?
You give to God.
Nothing can helpAnd nothing will help
Steer God’s Boat
Save and except your sleepless life’s
When my Lord plays upon my life-flute,He gives me the boundless capacity
To walk along His royal Road
To reach His Immortality’s Heart-Kingdom.