ABSOLUTE: World-soul, My daughter, yesterday I was cross with you, but today I have forgiven you. Do you know why?
WORLD-SOUL: Father, I do not have to know why. Since You have forgiven me, my heart is all gratitude to You.
ABSOLUTE: No, no, let Me tell you why I have forgiven you. I am so moved by your daughter’s exquisite beauty and I am so fascinated by your grand-daughter’s indomitable strength.
WORLD-SOUL: Father, it is true; my daughter has exquisite beauty, my granddaughter has indomitable strength. Now, may I be allowed to say what I have? I have fathomless ignorance.
ABSOLUTE: Daughter, I do not want to remain bound to My yesterday’s invention. From there I have moved to today’s discovery. Your daughter is extremely beautiful, your grand-daughter is extremely powerful and you are extremely fruitful. Now, My sweet England, why are you not allowing your daughter America to go in her own way? She feels that she is mature enough to take care of herself. Let her try.
WORLD-SOUL: Father, that is exactly what I have been telling my daughter all along. But she has turned a deaf ear to my advice.
SOUL OF AMERICA: Grandmother, I too have been telling my mother the same thing. But she simply won’t listen to me. I wish to tell You, my Lord, and you, my grandmother, that there is a reason why my mother is not allowing me to be free. She is terribly jealous of me, of my capacity.
SOUL OF ENGLAND: No, I am not! America, don’t brag. A war between us is imminent. Then you will see that you will be nowhere. You are bound to kiss the dust of my feet.
SOUL OF AMERICA: Mother, the joy of victory and the sorrow of defeat are in the Hands of the Absolute Lord. He will give you what you deserve and He will give me what I deserve.
(A sweet smile flashes across the Face of the Absolute.)
SOUL OF ENGLAND: America, enough, enough! You do not have to bless me with your divine philosophy. You stay with your philosophy. A philosopher is one whose mind is fertile and arms are futile. Fruitless vision is your name, whereas my name is fruitful action.
SOUL OF AMERICA: Mother, the Lord will decide your fate and mine. Why worry now?
SOUL OF ENGLAND: For God’s sake, I am not worried in the least! Let me remind you of one thing. The Lord has taught His creation that only the brave deserve the fair. I am sure you have got the point.
SOUL OF AMERICA: Mother, I have.
ABSOLUTE: I am an old man. What both of you have been discussing is far beyond My comprehension. But England, My sweet England, I tell you the supreme truth: there is a beauty in the rising sun and there is a beauty in the setting sun. Both equally charming, illumining and fulfilling. You have so far enjoyed the beauty of the rising sun, but from now on you will have to enjoy the beauty of the setting sun. And you, My brave America, before long you shall start enjoying the beauty of the rising sun — the sun that illumines, the sun that liberates, the sun that immortalises the soul and the body of aspiring humanity. England and America, I tell you one thing. My Heart’s desire is an amicable settlement between you both.
SOUL OF AMERICA: Lord, my dearest and bravest son George Washington also desires that very thing. But alas, as You know, it has now become a hopeless case. Mother wants to maintain her supremacy. And we do not want that; therefore, the only thing for us to do is to fight it out.
ABSOLUTE: Well, I am telling both of you something extremely important. And I want my daughter World-soul to pay all attention to what I am saying, too. England and America, mother and daughter, you two have been quarrelling and fighting and strangling each other. But there shall come a day when you will change your relationship. Instead of remaining mother and daughter, instead of remaining bitter foes you will become loving comrades and illumining and fulfilling souls.
WORLD-SOUL: Father, Father, my heart is eagerly awaiting that golden day. I am counting the hours, nay, the minutes! Lord, I wish to offer You a soulful song.
ABSOLUTE: Ah, that is what My Heart needs.
(World-soul sings.)
There is no rhyme for my Lord save Love.There is no rhyme for my life save Power.
I know, I know, yet dare I notSmash asunder my ignorance-Tower.
```ABSOLUTE: Marvellous, marvellous, marvellous! I am so proud of you. Once upon a time, when you were a little child, I used to teach you singing. Needless to say, Daughter, you have far surpassed your Father. But I am happy to accept defeat at the hands of My own daughter.
WORLD-SOUL: Father, sometimes I forget that You are infinite. Yesterday You assumed one aspect to threaten and frighten me and today You have assumed another aspect to inundate my entire existence with Your immortalising Love.
ABSOLUTE: True, My daughter, true.
SOUL OF ENGLAND: Lord, Grandfather, I too wish to offer You a beautiful song. I envy my mother. She was divinely lucky to have You as her music Teacher. Many times I have heard her singing songs which were taught her by You. I don’t deny that she has a very good singing voice. In fact, I must say that I am no match for her.
ABSOLUTE: Sweet England, I am sure that you, too, have an excellent voice. Sing! Let me hear you, please.
(Soul of England sings.)
Into the world of beauty’s flame,Into the world of offering’s game,
Into the world of lustre-flood,I came, I came, my existence came.
```ABSOLUTE: Beautiful, marvellous, wonderful! You liar, why did you underestimate your singing ability? You are an excellent singer.
SOUL OF AMERICA: Lord, my mother and my grandmother are really good singers. Unfortunately, I can’t sing at all.
WORLD-SOUL: Don’t display your false modesty.
SOUL OF ENGLAND: We don’t appreciate your false modesty.
SOUL OF AMERICA: Lord, do believe me, I am not a singer. But may I dance instead of singing for You?
ABSOLUTE: Of course, of course. That is a good idea. My bravest child, dance for Me. Nothing will please Me more.
(Soul of America dances.)
ABSOLUTE: Incredible, incredible! I have never seen in all My existence such a beautiful dance. America, My bravest child, and by far the best dancer, if I were young I would have definitely joined you. With greatest difficulty I am resisting temptation.
(The Absolute, World-soul and the soul of England give a thunderous applause.)From:Sri Chinmoy,Sveta vatra, Agni Press, 1975
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