DUŠA SVETA: Oče, Voljeni, Gospode, Ti koji si moje Sve. Šta je to s Tobom? Oduvek sam videla Tebe kao Blaženstvo beskrajno. Ti si oduvek bio Izvor i Proticanje beskrajnog Blaženstva. Danas na Tvom licu primećujem užasnutu tugu i hladnu depresiju. Preklinjem Te, po hiljaditi put, da ne zadaješ muke mom nerazdvojnom jedinstvu srca sa Tvojim Univerzalnim Srcem.
APSOLUT: Prestani, prestani, ti si kriva!
DUŠA SVETA: Gospode moj, Voljeni, Oče, zar sam ja kriva? Jel' mogu da znam šta sam to uradila?
APSOLUT: Duboko u sebe uđi. Ti i tvoja kći odmah ćete shvatiti šta ste to učinile.
DUŠA SVETA: I moja kći? Zar je i ona kriva?
APSOLUT: Ona je još veći krivac!
DUŠA SVETA: Ali Oče, Ti si me iz beskrajne Blagodeti blagoslovio nekolicinom kćeri. Koja od njih Ti je nanela nepravdu, poput mene?
APSOLUT: Da ti nešto kažem, taj izraz „naneti nepravdu“ je besramno potcenjivanje. Ti, i tvoja kći - Engleska!
DUŠA SVETA: Pa šta smo to učinile?
APSOLUT: Šta vi niste učinile? I da ti kažem, još jedna osoba se umešala. Želiš li da znaš koja?
WORLD-SOUL: Yes, Lord, I do want to know.
ABSOLUTE: She is your grand-daughter, America. Your daughter and your grand-daughter are constantly fighting, and most ruthlessly. Look what they have done! They have killed My Heart of Joy. They have killed all My unhorizoned inspiration. They are destroying My Vision’s new creation. And you, you fool, you have done nothing!
WORLD-SOUL: Father, I am not a fool. I am just weak.
ABSOLUTE: You are not only weak but also stupid! During the day you swim in the sea of stupidity and during the night you swim in the sea of weakness. You can’t even control your own daughter and your grand-daughter. What prevents you from throwing some illumining light on them?
WORLD-SOUL: Father, I have tried. I am still trying. But neither of them is ready to listen to me. They are eager to fight and kill each other. Lord, I am helpless.
ABSOLUTE: You are not helpless. You are useless, that’s all. Listen, tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. sharp I want you and your daughter and her daughter here.
WORLD-SOUL: Father, You have saved me. (Clasping His Feet.)
ABSOLUTE: Not yet, you mountain-high fool, you sea-deep coward. Don’t forget to come tomorrow!
WORLD-SOUL: Father, I assure You, tomorrow my daughter England, my grand-daughter America and I shall come without fail and place ourselves at Your all-fulfilling Feet.
ABSOLUTE: Okay, okay.From:Sri Chinmoy,Sveta vatra, Agni Press, 1975
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