JOHN QUINCY ADAMS: Louisa, soon I shall pass behind the curtain of Eternity. My sorrow knows no bounds that my fellow citizens do not want to put an end to slavery. Everybody should be free. Everybody deserves that right. It is man’s birthright. Like my father, I have been misunderstood by many.
LOUISA ADAMS: John, God alone knows how kind and good you are. Your heart cries to elevate the weak, to help the needy. Your service to the country is the colossal pride of Heaven. Name and fame you spurned. You dared to serve your country as a congressman after having served as President. What does this prove? It proves that what always comes first and foremost with you is not personal recognition but the service of your country in any capacity. John, I am proud to be your wife. I shall pray to the Almighty that He allow me to follow you to the other world, for without you my life will be fruitless and useless. John, you are a supreme fighter to the end. Our Lord in Heaven will bless you with tremendous joy and pride. You are sailing your life-boat to Him. Mine, too, I shall sail to Him before long.
JOHN QUINCY ADAMS: Louisa, you have always been my mind’s loving illumination. Today you have blessed my heart with divine consolation. I shall remain eternally grateful to you.
LOUISA ADAMS: I, too, shall remain eternally grateful to you; in addition, I shall remain unconditionally devoted to you, to your ideal, to your soul, to your Goal. In you I have seen my life’s perfection.
JOHN QUINCY ADAMS: The same holds true in my case. Both of us have loved each other, perfected each other and fulfilled each other in the Heart of our Heavenly Father.From:Sri Chinmoy,Sveta vatra, Agni Press, 1975
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