30. Pitanje: Da li je mir dete božanske Ljubavi?

_Šri Činmoj: Mir je dete božanske Ljubavi i u isto vreme Ljubav je dete Mira. Ako se molimo Bogu ili meditiramo na Boga u našem vitalnom životu onda se, kad se božanska Ljubav spusti odozgo, naš emocionalni život pročisti. Kad je naš emocionalni život pročišćen, mi postajemo smireni. Ljubav tada rađa Mir; Ljubav je majka. Ali, kad meditiramo u fizičkom svetu, odnosno u našem grubom fizičkom telu koje može da bude nemirno, agresivno ili letargično, nastojimo da spustimo Mir odozgo. Kad se mir spusti, mi dobijemo neku vrstu zadovoljstva ili radosti. A tu radost pokušavamo da prenesemo drugima u obliku Ljubavi. Prirodno Ljubav koja je zasnovana na Miru je dete Mira. If we have Peace, then only we can love. When a mother has peace of mind, then she loves her child. If she has no peace of mind, then she strikes the child right and left. Where is love at that time? She will tell the child, "It is for your good that I am doing this." But no, it is only her lack of wisdom, her own undivine nature that is compelling her to strike the child. If the mother has Peace in boundless measure, then naturally she will be a continuous and constant expression of Love for her children.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Zemaljsko - nebeski život zaljubljenika u Boga, deo 1, Agni Press, 1974
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