More samilosti i talasi zadovoljstva


Pravi duhovni Učitelj je onaj čija će samodajuća samilost i Bogopostajuća ljubav sigurno preći u vrednost srca ljudske rase, ne samo za savršeno savršenstvo čovečanstva, već i za potpuno božansko zadovoljstvo.


Da bi bio predstavnik ljudskog roda, ono što je potrebno mom životu je savršenstvo u svetu misli i zadovoljstvo u svetu delovanja.


Da li zaista voliš Boga? Ako je tako, onda govori kao Bog saosećajno i postupaj kao Bog bezuslovno.


Ljudsko u nama želi pokroviteljstvo.

Božansko u nama želi drugarstvo.

Čovek ceni pokroviteljstvo. Bog ceni drugarstvo.


Prepreke se pojavljuju u nama i izvan nas. Ipak, kao zmaj nepogrešivo ću prkositi vetru.


Zbog tvoje stalne i bezuslovne ljubavi prema Bogu, niko te ne može podstaći da uradiš nešto pogrešno.


Čak i neočekivan susret sa duhovnim Učiteljem može potpuno da preobrazi život tragaoca.


Nečistota razara ceo svet.

Znaš li ime njenog glavnog saučesnika?

Noć nezahvalnosti.


O moje učmalo telo, ubrzaj, ubrzaj! Koliko još godina očekuješ da će cilj samilosno čekati na tebe ?


O moj vitalu-nečistoto i ume-neiskrenosti, ako se usudite da mi oduzmete život zadovoljstva, pre nego odmah će vas uhvatiti moja duša-čistota i srce-iskrenost.

Moja duša i srce žarko žele da ti pomognu.

Samo im pruži priliku. Oni će te preobraziti ne samo potpuno već i bezuslovno.


Bog te je voleo, voli te i uvek će te voleti.

Ali ti ćeš osetiti Njegovu Ljubav beskrajno više nego što je sada

osećaš ako možeš da samo jednom duševno kažeš da si od Njega i samo za Njega.


Ljudsko srce je nada koja se uzdiže. Božanska duša je uže koje se spušta.


Srećan sam zbog Samilosnih Stopala moga Gospoda.

Ali srećan nisam sa težnjom moga srca,

posvećenošću tela i životom ostvarenja.


Moj um ne zna da boravi u zatočeništvu mišljenja. Moje srce ne zna da se nalazi u otkrivanju težnje.


Moj slatki Gospode, zahvalan sam Ti jer Svetlost Tvoje Pravde dotiče do mene.

Zahvalan sam Ti jer Visina Tvoje Samilosti

teče kroz mene.


Moj slatki Gospode, bio sam srećan zato što si mi Ti oprostio. Srećniji sam zato što cenim Tvoj Oproštaj. Biću najsrećniji zato što ću pokušati da zaslužim Tvoj Oproštaj kada pravim ozbiljne greške u palati mog života-želje i u srcu mog života-težnje.


Sumnjajući um se opire da bi ga srce koje teži moglo pobediti.


Nada hrani budućnost u nama.

Uspomena hrani prošlost u nama.

Veselost hrani sadašnjost u nama.


U duhovnom životu strah sumnjajućeg uma je gori od straha od proždirućeg lava.


Savršenstvo je zadovoljstvo božanskog u nama. Zadovoljstvo je težnja ljudskog u nama.


Ujutru treba da se moliš.

Uveče treba da čekaš.

Noću ćeš sigurno postizati i smešiti se.


Kad sumnja prestane, zadovoljstvo otpočne, istina se nastavlja, Bog se osmehuje.


Želiš li da budeš žrtva ili želiš da budeš pobednik?

Ako želiš da budeš žrtva, onda kreni i poseduj svet.

Ako želiš da budeš pobednik, onda ostani gde si i odreci se sveta.


Bolje je voleti nego biti voljen.

Bolje služiti nego da tebe drugi služe.

Bolje igrati ples jedinstva nego pevati pesmu zajedništva.


Oklevanje se mora predati potrebi. Potreba se mora predati Božanskoj vladavini.


Ono što mi treba je samootkriće.

Ono što je potrebno mom životu je sklad sa samim sobom.

Samootkriće će dovesti Boga k meni. Sklad sa samim sobom će me uzneti ka Gospodu.


Ako misliš da je moje srećno lice maska koja pokriva moju istinsku nesreću,

onda si možda u pravu.

Ako misliš da je srećno Lice našeg Voljenog Gospoda Svevišnjeg maska koja pokriva Njegovu istinsku nesreću, tad u potpunosti grešiš.

Ali ukoliko želiš da vidiš Njegovo srećno Lice,

onda najpre moraš postati srećno srce. Ne postoji drugi način.


Možda se ceo svet neće promeniti.

Ceo svet ne može da se promeni.

Ceo svet se čak neće promeniti.

Ali tvoj sićušni svet možeš da promeniš i promenićeš ga zasvagda

baš ovog trena uz pomoć tvog srca - pouzdanja. Tvoja će biti nenadmašna pobeda.


Možeš li da zamisliš, možeš li se usuditi da zamisliš,

da mi svakog dana moj dragi Svevišnji, moj slatki Svevišnji i moj Voljeni Svevišnji

dolazi sedam puta?

Prvi put On dolazi da ispita moju voljnost.

Drugi put On dolazi da ispita moju spremnost.

Treći put On dolazi da ispita moju novinu.

Četvrti put dolazi da ispita moje jedinstvo.

Peti put dolazi da ispita moju punoću.

Šesti put On dolazi da ispita moje savršenstvo. Sedmi put On dolazi da ispita moje zadovoljstvo.


Moj um i srce su dugo živeli zajedno.

Jednom kad su se odvojili, moj um je ušao u džunglu pometnje,

a moje srce se vratilo svom domu zadovoljstva.


Ja mogu da kažem sebi nešto lepo i mogu da uradim nešto dobro za sebe jedino kada sam potpuno uveren da mi moj zemaljski vezujući život-želje nije rekao ništa lepo i da mi neće reći ništa lepo, nije učinio ništa dobro za mene i neće učiniti ništa dobro za mene.


Ili nebožansko u meni može da savlada božansko u meni, ili božansko u meni može da pobedi nebožansko u meni.

Ali kada prihvatim duhovni život, božansko u meni – konačno – osvaja nebožansko u meni potpuno, zasvagda, zauvek i zauvek.

Šta podrazumevamo pod duhovnim životom? Duhovni život označava Vapaj Božije Ljubavi u čoveku i za čoveka i čovekov osmeh zahvalnosti u Bogu i za Boga.


Ne, ne puki slučaj, već sjajan izbor i mir ispunjen srećom može nas dovesti pred Božija Stopala

radi Njegove beskrajne Samilosti, večne Ljubavi i

besmrtnog Mira.


Iznenađujuće velika je lepota vlastite izražajnosti. Iznenađujuće dobra je dužnost samokontrole.


Zemaljski bogat čovek ima mnogo stvari od kojih živi, ali on praktično nema ništa zbog čega bi živeo.

Nebeski bogata duša živi samo od jedne stvari – Božije Samilosti – i živi

samo za jednu stvar – Božije Zadovoljstvo.


O moj u Večnosti Voljeni Svevišnji, blagosiljaj me sa dve povoljne prilike koje ću ja ceniti do kraja svog života.

“Date su ti, Moje dete, date. Sada Mi kaži, dete Moje, koje su to povoljne prilike koje ti trebaju od Mene.“

O moj u Večnosti Voljeni Svevišnji, ćutljiva usta i vrlo srce. Ostavi zatvorena moja usta velika i puna ponosa. Ostavi otvoreno moje sićušno i čisto srce. To su dve blagodati koje mi od Tebe trebaju, i više ništa.


Avaj, avaj, ljudski život je sav obmana.

On izražava savršenstvo beskrajno više nego što je postigao.

On nudi zadovoljstvo beskrajno više nego što oseća.


My Lord, my Lord, my Lord, Your Indifference-Blow has awakened me, Your Compassion-Flow has saved me, Your Justice-Light has taught me and Your Concern-Might has liberated me, my Lord, my Lord, my Lord.


A lamp of God is the master key to open all our heart-doors.


Wisdom-light can and shall solve all human problems. To achieve wisdom-light we must all pray for surrender-delight.


My mind’s impurity and my heart’s purity are two neighbours. But they have never met and perhaps will never meet, for each is afraid of losing its own precious qualities.


My Lord, my Lord, my Lord, my life is empty.

“My child, if your life is empty, then keep a dedication-flower inside your life.”

My Lord, my Lord, my Lord, my heart is empty.

“My child, if your heart is empty, then keep an aspiration-flame inside your heart.”


My Lord, my Lord, yesterday I competed with the rest of the world.

Today I am competing with my own self.

Tomorrow I shall compete with Your eternal Compassion and infinite Forgiveness.

My Lord, my Lord, do You ever compete with anything or anybody?

“Yes, My child, I do.

I compete every day with your unbelief and disbelief that you are another God.

You feel that you are not another God.

So I must compete daily with your ignorance-unbelief and disbelief.”


Silence, silence, silence.

Silence awakens the sleeping seeker in me.

Silence enlightens the aspiring seeker in me.

Silence fulfils the self-giving seeker in me.

Silence, silence, silence.


My Supreme Lord, do take away from me my two old enemies: submission and domination.

Submission-enemy compels me to submit to the strong in me.

Domination-enemy compels me to dominate the weak in me.

I do not want to submit.

I do not want to dominate.

What I need is illumination.

What I need is perfection.

My Supreme Lord, I need Your Illumination to illumine the weak in me.

I need Your Perfection to perfect the strong in me.


My human life has countless questions.

But there are only two answers, the inner and the outer.

The inner answer is illumination and the outer answer is perfection.


Communication in complete silence is the supreme art.

Only God and Truth have mastered this art.

Let me send my pure heart to learn this supreme art from God and Truth. Communication in silence is not only the supreme art but also the everlasting Satisfaction.


My Supreme Lord, the evening has set in.

At this hour please tell me how I can please You most soulfully.

“My sweet child, you can please Me most soulfully at this beautiful hour if you can pray to Me for the beauty of eternal peace, if you can meditate on Me for the beauty of inner peace, if you can contemplate on Me for the reality of eternal peace, peace, peace.

“Evening is all peace.

I want your entire life to be inundated with peace, and for that what I need from you is a powerful smile and a powerful cry. A powerful smile I want to see in your soulful eyes and a powerful cry I want to see in your cheerful heart.”


A pure heart can enjoy God’s Love for a fleeting second, but God’s Love enjoys a pure heart forever and forever.


What each seeker needs in this world is the reality-existence of peace that passes beyond the unkind misunderstanding-barriers.


How can there be real peace in our inner and outer lives when God is not invited into our hearts even once a day?


Peace won by compromise is a bird that flies away. Peace that comes from the inner awakening is the peace everlasting.


Peace does not live in a pill.

Peace does not live in an injection.

Peace lives in self-cultivation. Peace lives in conscious God-possession.


A confusion-mind and an unrest-vital have taken away the peace of the silence-heart.


To seek peace within myself is the only wisdom-light that I need.


Wait and see.

There is no peace.

See and wait.

There is no peace.

Cry and become.

There is all peace.

Become only to cry. There is all peace.


Since I do not know what to do, can I not at least try to know who I am?

Who am I?

I am at once God’s representative and man’s representative.

On earth I represent God’s Compassion.

In Heaven I represent man’s perfection.


It is true that I have lost confidence in my prayer and meditation.

But can I not at this very moment start to restore my confidence in my prayer and in my meditation?

I can restore my confidence in my prayer and meditation just by repeating a soulful message to myself: mine is the heart that always prays; mine is the life that always meditates.


By this time I must realise that there are certain things in life that are not mine.

Again, there are certain things which are entirely mine.

The things that do not belong to me, how can I claim them?

The things that do belong to me, how is it that I do not claim them?

Insecurity and impurity do not belong to me.

How can I claim them?

Security and purity, right from time immemorial, have been with me.

How is it that I do not claim them as my own, very own?


My sweet children, do not hide anything from me.

If you want to increase my faith in you, do not hide anything from me.

My children, you have many, many, many desires, but I have only one desire, only one desire, and that desire is to make you supremely chosen instruments of my Beloved Supreme.

This is my only desire. Do help me fulfil my only desire.


My sleeplessly soulful dedication develops two invisible forces. Eventually these two invisible forces become totally visible, and then they are known as man the perfection-force and God the Satisfaction-Force.


You want to know how I have changed my past in such an astonishing way?

I wish to tell you that it was very, very simple.

It was an easy task.

I just made a life-transforming decision, and that is all.

And what was that life-transforming decision?

At dawn and early in the morning I shall always feel that I am in my Beloved Supreme.

At noon and in the afternoon I shall always feel that I am with my Beloved Supreme. In the evening and at night I shall always feel that I am for my Beloved Supreme.


Cheerfulness is not excitement.

Cheerfulness is my inner poise, and it is also God’s complete Faith in me.

Another name of my inner poise is God’s unreserved Confidence in me.


It is a very happy day for me today, for today I have decided that I shall not continue to live with my false confidence — my false confidence that I can destroy the world, the entire world.

From today on I shall live only with real confidence.

My real confidence is this: I shall serve my Beloved Supreme to transform this world into perfect Perfection — a world that will not see the faces of insecurity and impurity, two unforgivable forces that are not allowing this beautiful world of ours to be absolutely perfect.

When insecurity captures my heart, I shall immediately declare: “Larger than the largest am I.

Larger than the universe am I.” When impurity captures my life, I shall immediately declare: “I am oneness, universal oneness, within and without.”

From:Sri Chinmoy,More samilosti i talasi zadovoljstva, Agni Press, 1992
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