Even if you see a person — it does not have to be someone at your work — it can affect you. You go out in the street, you see an individual, and that person has so many problems. You are not talking to that person, but his problems are entering into you. You do not know why your mind has become so heavy, heavy, heavy. That heaviness has come from the person whom you saw for a fleeting second. Then it takes time, so much time, for you to unburden yourself. You do not know what has actually entered into you, but you feel something heavy — a very, very heavy load. By looking at a person even unconsciously, not to appreciate something in him, you are being attacked, attacked.
A sa druge strane, humor odnosi tu težinu uma. Zatim nakon par minuta, možda petnaest ili dvadeset minuta, dolazi trenutak kada osećaš da je um lak, da je um postao ozbiljan i iskren, da um traga, da ne sumnja. Ti treba da znaš u kom trenutku um traga za istinom, a u kom trenutku um sumnja u tvoju duhovnost, sumnja u nekoga ili čini druge negativne stvari. Kada vreme dođe da osetiš da um traga za svetlošću, za istinom, tada je trenutak kada si spreman da meditiraš.From:Sri Chinmoy,Iznad privlačnosti i odbojnosti: prosvetljujuća pitanja i odgovori, Agni Press, 2012
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